real estate vanderhoof blog

Vanderhoof Real Estate Blog Year-End Recap 2022!

real estate vanderhoof blogOver the course of 2022, we’ve written a lot of Vanderhoof Real Estate blog articles – eleven to be exact. And, to celebrate the last month of this year, we will be going over everything we’ve written in 2022. This way, you can catch up on any missed articles!

Continue reading below to discover the content you might have missed in 2022. 

A Summary of our Vanderhoof Real Estate Blog in 2022.

In 2022, we covered a range of topics to ensure our clients were ready for real estate. From news articles to the home improvement we talked about it all. In January, we kicked off the year with an article about housing prices and home assessment values. Moving forward, February’s article was all about transit. We covered bus routes, bike lanes, and walking opportunities all in one comprehensive article. For March, we focused on recreation and all of the things that there is to do in Vanderhoof B.C

Come spring, our April and May articles were a two-part series of a moving checklist. In this article, we went over the ways you can stay organized and prepare for moving. In addition, for the month of June, we wrote all about how to make a decision on what property to buy. This article goes over all of the important things to consider when choosing a home. Moreover, in July we discussed the most effective renovations you can make to your home to add value. During the peak of the summer, our August article focused on ways that you can improve your curb appeal as a seller. 

For the month of September, our team wanted to provide you with some tips about how to save money while moving homes. Additionally, in October, we went over a fall maintenance checklist to make sure that you prepare your home for winter. Lastly, in November, we wrote all about the new mortgage broker rules that are rumoured to take effect late in the new year.

For more information about buying a home in Vanderhoof, contact us today. We look forward to working with you in the new year! Be sure to check out any missed articles on our blog. Happy holidays everyone!