real estate near transit Vanderhoof

Vanderhoof Real Estate Is Close to Transit!

real estate near transit Vanderhoof

Vanderhoof real estate is the perfect investment to make in 2022. With home prices on the incline and open space a valued commodity, Vanderhoof is the perfect place to make home.  This small town has plenty to offer, including a great public education system, post-secondary institute and community transit. For more information about the schools in Vanderhoof, read our past articles about the elementary, middle and high schools in the area. If you are interested in learning more about the transit system in Vanderhoof, continue reading below. 

Transportation Near Vanderhoof Real Estate.

Vanderhoof is home to approximately 5,000 people. When living in a place like Vanderhoof, it is important to know how to get around the city. Having multiple transportation options can save you time and money. Most people in Vanderhoof opt to travel by car. However, the town is quite small and is fairly accessible by bike or on foot. Furthermore, there are also three different bus options available to transport you from place to place. Whether you are commuting within the town or looking to get to a different city, there’s a bus for you.

In-town Community Bus

Vanderhoof has a bus that runs Monday through Friday from 9:00am until 3:45pm (except on holidays). This bus shuttles the citizens of Vanderhoof around the town. The community bus service is entirely FREE and provides 12 seats and 2 wheelchair spots for those looking to get aboard. The community bus is a great way to get to know your community and save a bit of money on transportation. Learn more about the community bus here.

BC Bus North

The BC Bus North provides transit access to all of the major Northern British Columbian cities. Whether you’re a student looking for educational opportunities, or a resident looking to explore BC this bus is for you. Prince George to Prince Rupert and Prince Rupert to Prince George routes hit 15 different communities between the two destinations. It is typically $65 for a ticket to get on this bus. Find out more about the BC Bus North here

BC Transit – Bulkey Nechako System

The Bulkey Nechako BC Transit system provides two bus routes that extend between Prince George and Smithers. The 161 takes residents from Prince George all the way to Burns Lake. The 162 takes citizens from Burns Lake to Smithers. Both of these routes stop in the neighbouring towns along the way. Click here for more information about these routes.

Buy Vanderhoof Real Estate Now!

Come join the town of Vanderhoof for a taste of the great outdoors and an amazing sense of community! If you have any questions about the real estate in this area, please contact us today. We look forward to working with you in the future.

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