houses for sale vanderhoof bc

Secondary Schools Near Houses in Vanderhoof.

houses for sale vanderhoof bc

Following up on our article about how real estate in Vanderhoof is close to elementary schools from last month, we are bringing you all the info on secondary schools in Vanderhoof. Middle and high school come with a big shift in the environment. Students often find middle school the most challenging of their schooling years. In lieu of this, we want to provide some information. This way, you can help your kids get adjusted before they switch schools. Read along below to learn more about secondary schools near houses in Vanderhoof below. 

Houses in Vanderhoof are close to secondary schools!

Nechako Valley Secondary:

Nechako Valley Secondary is the only non-denominational secondary/middle years school in Vanderhoof. Students who attend Nechako Valley secondary school are given a wide range of course options to choose from. The extensive list of courses for grades 9-12 includes electives like media arts, computer science, automotive mechanics, woodworking, metalworking, fine art, cabinetry, and furniture construction, etc. These programs give Nechako students an awesome opportunity to find their passion and foster it. There is an average of 610 students enrolled per school year. This includes kids from grades 7-12. The bell schedule runs from 8:48 am – 3:13 pm.

NVSS offers a special middle years program for kids in grades 7-8. Since 2014, this program has been incorporated specifically for students transitioning from elementary school to high school. The course selection is not as extensive during these years. 

This secondary school has options for hot lunch. Students pick their meals at the beginning of each month and pay to receive lunch each day. There is also a breakfast program that is free. Each day kids have the choice of cereal and fruit. Furthermore, on Wednesdays, they have a hot breakfast. This includes the choice of pancakes or waffles, breakfast sausage, or breakfast sandwiches (GF and DF options available).

For more information on Nechako Valley Secondary, you can visit their website here. If you’d like help finding houses in Vanderhoof close to the school, contact us today! We’d be happy to help you find real estate in this area. We look forward to working with you 🙂  You can also follow us on Facebook for up-to-the-minute information!