real estate in Vanderhoof

Real Estate in Vanderhoof is Close to Elementary Schools!

real estate in VanderhoofAs you look towards making the move to real estate in Vanderhoof, you’ll want to make sure your children have a school to attend. This fall, elementary schools in Vanderhoof will return to in-classroom learning. Kids can rely on the educational support of teachers and classmates upon their return. Register your students early with Vanderhoof’s School District 91. Early registration will help to ensure that your student doesn’t miss a back-to-school beat!

Read below to discover a bit of information about each school in the area!

About Elementary Schools Near Real Estate in Vanderhoof.

W L McLeod Elementary

First on our list of schools near real estate in Vanderhoof is W L McLeod Elementary. This school supports kids from Kindergarten through to Grade 6. Here, kids will learn the fundamentals of learning. Extracurricular activities and clubs are offered at this school. This elementary school offers students a hot lunch program to satisfy their lunchtime cravings! W L McLeod is currently home to 260 students, run by Principal Libby Hart.

Evelyn Dickson Elementary

Next, is Evelyn Dickson Elementary. Located on Ryley Avenue, this school is surrounded by beautiful British Columbia forests. Approximately 250 Kindergarten to Grade 6 students attend this school throughout the year. The school’s unique location allows children the opportunity for hands-on learning. Manned by Principal Wade Fitzpatrick, this school gives kids the foundation they need to continue their education. 

Sinkut View Elementary

Sinkut View Elementary is a small school located near the Nechako River Bird Sanctuary. This school has a population of approximately 100 students. Children at this school learn the basics of Math, Science, Social Studies, and English in an incredibly welcoming environment. Sinkut View Elementary is guided by Principal Stacey Soffel. 

Mapes Elementary 

Last on our list is Mapes Elementary. Mapes Elementary is a 17-minute commute from Vanderhoof’s city centre. Currently, run by principal Anne Geddes, this school boasts a cozy 45 student population. Centered around community and acceptance, this school offers educational programs to the rural community of Mapes in the K-6 grouping. 

Want more information on schools in Vanderhoof?

For more information on real estate near schools in Vanderhoof, contact us at RE/MAX Vanderhoof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions about education services in Vanderhoof. Stay tuned for more information on High School, Private, and College education programs in Vanderhoof. To sign your child up for one of these schools, or find a different school please visit the School District 91 website here. We look forward to working with you on finding real estate in Vanderhoof soon!